Moments in Time
Inspired by beach walks, found objects, and childhood memories of the sweet pebble sculptures that my Tante A used to make long ago, I’m enjoying creating these tangible moments in time using my collection of authentic sea glass from the shores of the Atlantic Ocean and the Dead Sea, smooth pebbles from Lake Ontario beaches, rusty metal from local scrap yards, leather from my craft box, and grasses and twigs from my yard.
Each piece is one-of-a-kind but I’m happy to closely duplicate any design—or work with a fresh idea—just ask!
Pricing: 4x4” canvas $35, 5x5” canvas $45, and other dimensions available on request.
Contact me for more information.

Five Friends, 4x4"

Hanging Out, 4x4"

Sitting in Silence w/o Getting Bored, 4x4"

One Fish Two Fish, 4x4"

A Nature-Loving Introvert's Dream, 5X5"

Sea Turtle 2, 4x4"

Bunny on a Log, 4x4"

Best Buds All Together, 5x5"

Horse 1, 4x4"

Me and My Ball, 4x4"

Bird Couple Commissions (x 4), all 4x4"

Birds'n'Berries, 6x6"